Report Animal Cruelty

The Austin Police Department has established a dedicated Animal Cruelty Unit Tip Hot Line at (512) 978-0523.

Here is the message you’ll hear when you call the number:

“You have reached the Austin Police Department Animal Cruelty Tip line, please leave a detailed message describing your concerns or an incident that occurred.  You can leave an anonymous complaint, although it is helpful if you leave your contact information just in case we have any questions.  If you have reached this tip line and you feel the animal or animals need immediate assistance, or this is an emergency, please hang up and call 911.  Thank You”

The Austin Police Department has determined that in many cases concerned citizens do not want to leave information with the City of Austin 311 non-emergency contact number due to fear of retaliation or not wanting to be perceived a bad neighbor.

It is the goal of the Austin Police Department that through the Animal Cruelty Unit Tip Hot Line all dogs, cat and other animal abuse cases will be reported. For situations like dog fights, dogs in distress, dogs left in cars or any other incidents that are in progress, call the 911 emergency telephone number.